Be it a love marriage, or an arranged marriage, there comes a point in our life, when we start having different views and confusions regarding our decision of getting hitched, and when it comes to men, it has been noticed that men either completely tend to avoid commitments or, they end up being very choosy while getting hitched.
Have you ever thought why does this happen? Is it because of the culture’s influence? Or the societal pressure? Most men do not want the reflection of the qualities of their girlfriends in their wives. It is quite surprising and annoying as well, but it is the truth that most men would look for some absolutely different qualities in their wives, unlike their girlfriends. They intend to save their “marital status” as previously as a woman intends to save her “virginity”.
Do you really want to know, what men look in women before getting hitched? Then no more wait! Let us see what qualities a man prefers in his future wife.
1. Compatibility
Compatibility is the factor that crosses the mind of a guy when it comes to marriage. If both of you happen to have some common likes and dislikes and think about life in the same way, then yes, you are compatible enough.

If the guy feels like, it is only a relationship for the sake of amorous feelings, then it is probably a NO to marriage, from his side. Gone are those days, when love used to be the sole base of a marital relationship. There are now quite a few factors that add to the base of a successful relationship and compatibility, is the priority in the list.
2. Future Planning
The man might not be serious about the commitment sometimes, but he expects that from you, as a wife. Yes! That might infuriate you but it is what it is. Your perspective of seeing the future matters to a great extent. It will not work out if you are over-ambitious and even not if you have no ambitions absolutely. You need to understand the balance. The balance between marital life and ambitions.

When he gets a reflection of a balanced homemaker as well as of a work enthusiastic individual in you, he is going to marry you!
3. Socialising
Socializing with “his” people can really help you to strengthen your place as a wife, in his life. If his people like you, then the ball is already in your court girl! He may not speak it up to you, but if you are able to make a positive impact on his friends and family, and if they like you, then you are the one!

The more he is going to hear about you from his dear ones, the more will he endear you. It is one of the most critical qualities of a man that you need to learn.
4. Sexual Intimacy
Not everything he thinks is out of the bad girl! In-bed chemistry matters a lot too unlike the previous times. How a couple treats each other in bed, and the amount of satisfaction they are deriving from it, matters a lot. The bed is the place where you get the chance to establish a relationship that is intimate.

I don’t mean an only sexual relationship with this but the way you touch each other, the way you kiss each other and adore each other, makes a huge difference. It is the place that will make him find the solace, he would want to last for a lifetime. So, make sure you do not invest all your energy in satisfying him sexually only.
5. Possessiveness
Possessiveness is healthy for a relationship, but only to an extent. There is a balance, which both partners need to learn and maintain in a relationship when it comes to possessiveness.

Remember, that no possessiveness is as harmful as over-possessiveness. Guys like it when you are jealous but at the same time, they want their space too. So, make sure you maintain the slight difference and do not end up interrupting his personal space.
6. Financial Support
Days have now changed. You’re no more the woman tied to the shackles of household tasks only. If you believe in equality, then you must behave like that, and prove your belief. So, keep a mindset of sharing each and every responsibility, including financial responsibilities in the future. This will ensure him that you will be there to support him both mentally as well as financially.

Financial stability is the first thing that creates pressure on men whenever they think about marriage. So, if you can make him feel secure about it and seem to support him financially, then you have a major chance of becoming his wife!
7. Presentability
Make sure that you are presentable enough as his girlfriend. What we mean is, to try to dress as a woman and not as a young girl of teenage years. That makes a huge difference. It is through your appearance and presentability, that your boyfriend will be able to know that you are worth spending a lifetime with!

It may sound quite rude, but it is true that appearance and presentability play a huge role in determining your marriage. It is through how you present yourself that you will be able to make him feel confident, as a wife.
8. Caring
It is a woman’s intricate nature to be caring. Maybe, we have progressed a lot and are leading a modern lifestyle but if you want to make your boyfriend your husband, then it is time you should start showing your caring nature to him.

If you care about how his day was, and his health, other than involving in trivial fights, then he will definitely be positive about you, being a part of his future.
9. Assertiveness
Be assertive. We do not mean being over-ambitious or overconfident by this term. But, just be confident about your life and your choices before your boyfriend. The patriarchal society does not exist anymore so your boyfriend might not like your passive attitude towards life.

If you are confident and sure about your life and its choices, it will instantly give assurance to your boyfriend regarding the relationship as well as, will give him the opportunity to think further about the marriage
10. Attitude
Possess a calm and quiet attitude. No, we are not asking you to be passive to everything on Earth. But possessing an attitude that is not preferred by your boyfriend, can lead to a worsening situation for your relationship.

Try to maintain the balance between the attitude possessed by a whimsical girlfriend and a household wife. Let’s be honest because men do not like too much of any of the attitudes. So, learn the exact balance and react accordingly to certain situations.
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