How to get rid of Depression

How to get rid of Depression

How to get rid of Depression

Depression is one of the serious mental disorders which can cause excessive sadness and loss of interest in the things which gives lots of enjoyment and well as lack of motivation. Depression is very common, one in every three people is suffering from it. It is also a clinical condition as same as cold or flu or fever. Treatment of depression is not the same for every person as it can be different for different person. When you will get the right treatment then only you can minimise all symptoms of the depression and also you can reduce the impact of depression which can spoil your precious life.

1. Diagnosing depression

When you are suffering from depression then, first of all, it needs to be diagnosed, once your depression is diagnosed then you can only work on the treatment of the depression.

Track your feeling every day at least for two week

If you have feelings of depression or you always feel sad or you have lost the interest on those things in which you previously interested then you can be depressed. You will find these symptoms in almost all the day in those two weeks when you will observe your feeling.

These symptoms can be stopped and come back again and this process is known as “recurrent episodes”, in these types of cases you can feel more symptoms than those of bad days, you can feel severe changes in moods which can affect your job or social life and because of these mood changes you may stop doing your work, you can feel in loss of interest even in your hobbies or activities like dancing, singing, playing sports etc. If there is any death of your closet one then you may experience more depressive symptoms but in this case you really need to consult with doctor or therapies for your betterment.

Pay attention to some other symptoms of the depression

If you have depression then you can feel some other types of symptoms apart from the symptoms of a lack of interest in hobbies and feeling of sadness. You may feel the symptoms like

** Loss of appetite or you may feel in loss of weight

** You can feel sleepy or you can feel lots of difficulty in sleeping

** You may be decreased some normal movement of your life.

** You can feel some difficulty in concentrating

** You may get the thought of suicide.

Get helps to someone if there is thought of suicide

If any people are there who have thoughts of suicidal attempts or planning for suicide then get some immediate action and call on the no. 911 or you can go to the nearest emergency room. If you have thoughts like that then you cannot get rid out of these things unless you get some help from professional.

Note all those activities which you have done in the last few weeks

Make the list of your all small and big work which you do on regular basis from last few weeks like going to school or college or office, going for shower, sleeping time, going for the market etc. observe the pattern as well as happiness of doing all those work as you are working with same frequency or the frequency or speed and interest of the work has been decreased. Notice all the works as you are engaged in some risky behaviour or not because it is found in studies that the people who are depressed may do many of the risky things because they do not care of their life as they need care from others. You find lots of difficulty in completing of these work so, take the help of friends or family to make the list of your work.

Ask from others about your changed mood

Asked with your family member or from the trusted person either they have found some change in mood or behaviour in your life or they have noticed any difference in your activity. Yes, persons own thought and experience are more important but the opinions of others also matter.

Go to your doctor if your physical health contributing the depression

Many of the physical condition are there which causes the symptoms of depression especially in case of some thyroid or other problems in the hormones system. Many of the medical problems in the chronic or severe stage can cause depression, so if you feel depressed because of physical health then consult your doctor and ask him for your better treatment.

2. Seeking of professional help

Yes, many of the problems which you can solve by your own ways but sometimes we need the professional to treat us better so if you feel the depression is not on your control then take the help of professionals to cure yourself.

Choose best mental health professional

There are different types of therapists who deal with depression with different skills and specialists that are the clinical psychologist, counseling psychologist, and psychiatrists. You can go to any of the one specialist or you can get treatment from the combination of all.

Counselling psychologist

Counselling psychologist helps to overcome the people from the difficult times. They give some therapy for the treatment and the therapy can be for short or long term according to the level of the difficulties. The specialist will slowly promote you to give the answer to some specific and careful question and also they listen to your words that what are the things which you have to say to them. They will discuss you the ideas on your emotional as well as environmental issues which is the reason for your depression and try to solve your problems so that you can come out from depression.

Clinical psychologist

They are specialist who confirms the problem or study in both mental and behavioural disorder.


The psychiatrist is the specialist who studies your mental condition and works on your depression with the help of medication.

Get a referral

It is really very difficult to find good and perfect counselor so, ask your friends, family members, community mental health center or from your family doctor. Many of the association like American psychological association provides the search function in the Google through which they can give information about their best psychologist in your area.

Shop around for a therapist

Find these therapists who can welcome with warm and work on your problems very gently. Not all therapists are same so, go to those therapists which you like and stick to them for your treatments. They will promote you to give several answers to careful questions; many people are there who really speak all problems even on the first day of therapy.

Make sure that your therapist is licensed holding therapist

if you are going to get the treatment of your depression then don’t forget to see that the therapist is licensed holder or not, if you are finding difficulties in finding the best therapist for your depression then you can go to the website if association of state and provincial psychology boards.

Check with your health insurance

Mental illness is more dangerous same as physical illness and it needs to be proper treatment and care which can affect the economic status of your family because of the amount of the therapy and the fees of medicine and specialist. So, check your insurance company so, that these things can be covered by health insurance.

Know about different types of therapy from therapist

There are almost three types of therapy which can help the patient of the depression which are cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy, and behavioural psychotherapy.

Be patient

If you have gone to the specialist then you really need to keep patient for the results because it can take a few months to show the permanent effects and really very effective once you see the results.

3) Talk to your psychiatrist about your medication

When you are suffering from severe depression then you really need to ask for some medication from your psychiatrists.

Ask for the antidepressant from your psychiatrist

The antidepressant is the really very effective medicine which works on the neurotransmitter system. Your specialists know best about your perfect meditation according to your problems. Sometimes psychiatrist also tries to give some medicine to see that which medicine is more effective for you. Always try to notice your mood change and behavior because drugs can fix these problems soon.

Ask your psychiatrist for anti-psychotics

Many times, it happen that antidepressant gets fail to give better results then it may possible that your psychiatrist may give you anti-psychotics. There are almost three types of anti-psychotics like aripiprazole, quetiapine, and risperidone. These medications can work properly if your antidepressant is not working on you.

Pair medication with psychotherapy

To get better result go to your doctor on regular time apart from taking medicine on daily basis as directed by your doctor.

Take your medicine daily

Medicine always take some time to work so, don’t lose your patience and take your medicine regularly, at least medicine will take 3 months to show their effects on depression.

4. Writing in a journal

When you are working with your depression then it is very important to work on that or notice every change on you.

Write down all patterns of your mood

Notice all your moods which can affect your health, sleep, energy etc. go to the different website or journals to notice about your moods.

Try to write all things regularly

Writing is really very beneficial so, write everything about yourself on daily basis, start with working on the writing even for 5 minutes and do it regularly so, that you can notice your behaviour on regular basis.

Always keep your copy and pen with yourself

It always happens with us that we all forget many of things that happens all the day, so keep your pen and pad so that you can write all the things or activities instantly if you notice something on you. you can also write these all notes on your mobile, or notepad or another device you carry.

Write whatever you want

You can share all the things that you want, you can share some things with your friends, family and you can also make a blog on which you can share all things without any fear. If you share your things then the depression can be minimised fast.

5. Changing your diet

If you take a proper diet then you will not only get rid of depression as you can also be a physical healthy all time.

Try to eliminate all food that can cause depression

The food like meats, chocolates, sweet, fried rice can increase the symptoms of the depression so, try to avoid these foods from your life.

Eat only those foods which can decrease your depression

You can eat the food like fish, vegetables, and fruits to get away from the depression. You can take those foods that are rich in proteins, nutrients, and vitamins which can keep you both mental and physically healthy.

Try to take Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet means food like vegetables, nuts, fish, olive oil etc and this will keep away from depression. Avoid alcohol because it acts as depressants.

Monitor your moods that effects on your diet

Many people are there who just love food, and if they get their favourite food they just get happy all day, so notice your mood in every particular food. Take attention on that food on which you feel away depression after eating those foods.

6. Focus on your fitness

You really need to focus on your fitness when you feel depressed.

Go to your doctor or trainer

It’s not possible that you know about your all exercise, which exercise is better or not then you can ask from your doctor or trainer. Your trainer will give the best idea and exercise which can give you fun and also provide motivation and will safe for you.

Start an exercise regimen

Exercise can help you to rid from the mood changes. Exercise is really very effective similarly as meditation. Exercise also helps you to sleep you better. One of the most effective parts of the exercise is that its act on depression without wasting lots of money.

Take the step forward for your every exercise

Always considered the exercise as the best treatment, so, do exercise on a regular basis even if you walk for five minutes then also you will feel better.

Try to do cardiovascular exercise

Try to do swimming, cycling at least two days in a week which will really one of the effective activities for your depression and well as other physical health.

Exercise with your friends

If you take your friend or family members with your exercise then you will feel more motivated so always try to include them in your activities like exercise. It is really not easy to motivate you but if anyone is helping then you should really appreciate them.

7. Try some other strategies to get rid of depression

You should try some other strategies to get rid of depression fast.

Increase your exposures in the sunlight

Sunlight passes positive light because of their vitamin d which it is present in the sunlight. You can sit on the bench or on your terrace to get the sunlight on you. Some counsellor advice to get sunlight for those people who live in winter areas and get the minimum amount of sunlight and if you are going to sit under sunlight then cover your skin with sunscreen creams and try to wear sunglasses.

Get outdoors

If you do outdoors for playing or walking then it will really very beneficial and it is just equal to exercise and it will relax your mind as well as the whole body.So, above we have given you the best ideas through which you can treat your depression so, try these treatments and get rid of depression fast.