Top 10 weight loss tips for teens

weight loss tips for teens

Top 10 weight loss tips for teens

Now I know this is the most difficult thing for one to do. We all wanna look slim and trim but are not motivated enough to lose weight. And in teenage when you have so much happened inside and outside your body then it surely becomes a real challenge. You have a party every next day you are a die heart lover of pizza, Your Local food app has been your best friend then how can you get that slim body. Don’t you worry, here we have the Top 10 weight loss tips for teens so that you can cut down those fats and look sexy and hot?

1. A proper diet

You need to follow a diet plan for sure, at this age cutting down required food products can make you weak and create problems. So it’s always advisable that during teenage you consume all the food items properly but make sure you have Fixed timing and Schedule for everything.

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Try having a healthy diet plan which contains iron protein and carbohydrates in balance.

2. Add one sport to your routine

You are at a growing age, and the best you can do is adding a sport to your routine, you need not to go to the gym or a fitness center you can have a casual walk, cycling or swimming to your routine this will help you learn something new and also make you fit. 

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So Its the time you make a new change for good. Sports makes you active and also does not let fat get settled

3. Avoid soda and drinks a bit

I am not telling you to cut it down because that is something close to impossible in the present generation so the best you can do is avoid it whenever you can because this will help to control the much you can. 

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Soda and drinks have a lot of sugar contained in it which is not good for body and health so you can cut it down.

4. Replace munching with fruits and juices

If you have an outing with your friends and you feel like having something, then you pick a glass of fruit juice. It can also be your regular munching pick. So Its always good to go for fruit rather than a pack of junk.

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Fruits have height properties and can also add a glow to your skin. Its health and beauty then why not go for it.

5. A quality sleep

Did you know that an improper sleep can also make you grow fat? Body is like a machine, and it requires rest, and proper sleep is the best thing as per your age you should take a good 7hours of sleep so that you regain the energy back after working long. At teenage, we are always busy with the things, so sleep is a must.

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6. Stop being a lazy lad

It is still seen that in today’s generation kids watch youtube and take the food, but this is not a good call for sure you should always keep your body posture right so that you have your focus on what you are eating and how much you are eating. Sometimes while we are busy in the phone, we overeat, and so we may take our stomach to a problem so always have right manners while eating.

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7. No tobacco and alcohol

This is generally the time when teens enter into college and the party and clubbing all that they think about. However, make sure you do not get into alcohol because this will make you kill your body yourself. Its always good to stay away from that.

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8. No water between food

The bad habit that you might be carrying with you can be taken with a sip of water right water your every bite of food. Always have water 30min before and after the meal. If you take water between food, then you may feel uneasy, and that can cause a problem in your digestion also. So this tip again an add-on to health guidelines.

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9. Avoid taking heavy meals at night

Always remember to Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” because Feedback Metabolising in the daytime is high when compared to night. So try having your dinner before 7 or 8 so that you can digest it well. Also, it will be a happy sleep.

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10. Make fixed cheat days

I know everyone loves junk food so to keep control you can pick a day in the week when you can have all that cheese and not feel bad a single day is better than a daily add of calories.

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All these are the tips for those teenagers who wanna be fit and healthy. Follow these Top 10 weight loss tips for teens, and have a fantastic life.We hope that the above-mentioned tricks can help you be a better person and not only make your body better but also make you feel better and peaceful in life. Happy body