21 Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

21 Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

There are times when directly or indirectly your partner gives the ‘Signs that you are not made for each other‘.Mostly, you can’t choose with whom you fall in love with. But you can select what you want to do with the feelings you have for your partner. And you cannot force yourself to have feelings for someone, and you can’t force yourself to stop that feeling. Hence, it is not tough to find yourself in positions and opinions where you can see you are in love with the wrong person.

More offense falling in love with the wrong person ends up on a sour note. Just think if all of us fall in love with the right person, no one will ever go through the phase of break up or pain of separation, and no one has to worry about whether their partner is cheating or not.

You have to look for many signs to know that you are in love with the right person. Sometimes you may be sure that the person you are in love with is the wrong man and sometimes you are sure that he/she is right for you. So here we are telling you some expressions or signs that you may miss while choosing the right person for you. In the article ‘Signs that you are not made for each other‘ we will be going through the signs that will hint to you that you are not made for each other.

1. You Tried To Tell Your Concerns Many Times, But Nothing Changes

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Made For Each Other

Waiting for your companion to change over time can lead to some form of disappointment. You and your partner can express your particular thoughts and quickly figure out how to handle these situations if your relationship is healthy. But if you fall in love with the wrong person, you can talk all you want, express your emotions, and voice your worries, and nothing will change; the relationship will stay the same. All of this is due to the fact that you can’t always rely on people to change for you.

2. The Time Gap Between You And Your Partner

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Made For Each Other

Are you in love with a person who lives in another time zone or works overnight when you work in the day time? As per the experts, this is not a healthy relationship as you and your partner don’t get enough time together to spend and know each other. Such relationships work only when you have good trust and communication with each other. We all have some needs and expectations, so it is always better to see your partner at times when they want you the most.

3. Spending A Lot Of Money In Your Relationship

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Made For Each Other

You may feel that paying for your involvement in everything like dinners, trips, outings, telephone bills, Netflix, and so on is right. But if your partner is not making any effort in paying for anything in your relationship and he/she is not ready to share any responsibilities, he is not the right one for you. In such a case, the relationship is all about necessity and not desire.

4. Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits – Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

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Made For Each Other

If you are self-obsessed, you used to care about yourself more, workout daily, and ate healthy food before you went into a relationship with your partner and suddenly the lifestyle changes, it is a time to look upon it as experts say if such a thing happens you are in love with the wrong person. It shows that the person does not care about the healthy lifestyle they had before they entered a relationship. If you may end up eating unhealthy food as your partner likes and wants you to, this is not right; you are in love with the wrong person.

5. Your Relationship Is Going On And Off Saga

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Made For Each Other

On-off situations make you feel hopeless and sometimes keep you in the hope that things may work out sometime. If you find yourself in such a case, the person is not made for you. In such situations, you train yourself for again that situation that never worked out before.

6. You Hardly Spend Some Time With Your Family Or Friends

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Made For Each Other

If you are in love with the right person, he /she will never ask to give less time to your family or friends. It is usually a change in your life that you fall in love with, good change is for your highest good, but if you feel you sacrificing the time you have to spend with your family and friends, then it is not a perfect match for you.

7. Not Into Labels – Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

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Made For Each Other

Move on; this is not the proper relationship if you are in one where you lack commitment and you really need it. The spouse is not the correct one for you if you keep asking for the promise and they keep making up reasons not to.

8. You Are Only With Them If You Are Comfortable

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Made For Each Other

It can be cozy to be in a relationship with someone who has known you for what seems like ages. The mere fact that someone has been a part of your life for a long time and you feel at ease with them does not, however, imply that they are a good fit for who you are right now or that they will help you grow in the future.

9. You Are Confused Being In Love With The Person You Have A Crush On

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Made For Each Other

Having a long-term, passionate infatuation with someone can occasionally appear to be love but is most definitely not love. Knowing the difference between a crush and true love is crucial because a crush is typically one-sided.

10. Partner Is Not A Type Of Apologize

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Made For Each Other

Normally, couples get into disagreements, but to choose between how to respond to that arguments is very important for a healthy relationship. If your partner hurts you badly and does not apologize, then it is not a perfect match for you.

11. Behavior In Public Embarrass You

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Made For Each Other

If you have a partner who does not know how to behave like an adult in society, you are with the wrong person for sure. Maybe your partner’s habits are rowdy and wicked and embarrass you most of the when you are in public, that person is not right for you. You may find situations where you have to feel sorry in society because of your partner.

12. You Are Not Comfortable Talking About Bed With Your Partner

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Made For Each Other

Good sex varies from person to person, in every relationship. Sometimes you don’t feel comfortable while talking about sex and intimacy with your partner; then you are not in the right relationship. If you are hesitating while discussing sex with your partner, this is not the right match.

13. Having Sex Without Intimacy – Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

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Made For Each Other

Most people think that having sex daily with your partner is like having a healthy relationship, no it is not the right way. Wait for the time when you feel like getting intimate with your partner, not just for doing. If you are having sex without intimacy, you are not in the right relationship.

14. Thinking Before You Say In Front Of Your Partner

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Made For Each Other

Everyone wants their relationship to work, but sometimes we need to take drastic measures, say we’ve had enough, and move on. But to know which signs are red flags can be difficult. After all, we do not want to simply give up when there could be a good thing going. Still, in some cases, it’s better to close the book.

15. They Want Things To Go Their Way – Signs That You Are Not Made For Each Other

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Made For Each Other

If you feel it is essential to watch your words before you say in front of your partner, it is necessary to have freedom of expression in a healthy relationship. When you are in love with the wrong person, you will find it hard in showing your feelings and thoughts in front of your partner.

16. You don’t care whether your friends or family like your partner

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Made For Each Other

If it is all about your partner and their ideas, they don’t consider your habits at the time of the relationship, and you are not made for each other. Your partner is selfish and doesn’t think about your ideas; you are in the wrong relationship.

17. Being Around With Your Partner’S Friends And Family Makes You Feel Uneasy

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Made For Each Other

Blessings of your family and friends can either make up or break your relationship. So you hardly care about the feelings of your family members or friends about your partner, in such case you are not in a healthy relationship

18. It Is Always About Partner’S Needs And The Partner

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Made For Each Other

Family and friends of your partner also play an essential role in your relationship. If you are not comfortable most of the time with your partner’s family members or friends, then you are in the wrong relationship.

19. You Feel Emotionally Exhausted Most Of The Time

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Made For Each Other

Your partner is selfish, and if it is all about your partner’s needs, this is the time to move out of that relationship.

20. You Love The Potential More Than The Reality

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Made For Each Other

When you can’t express your emotions in front of your partner; you become emotionally exhausted, which rarely happens in a healthy relationship.

21. Your Partner Doesn’T Make You Feel Special On Special Occasions

If you are with your partner, and he or she is not exactly the way you wanted, it is not the right relationship. Always go for a partner who you exactly thought would be like.

If your partner does not make any effort for your birthday or anniversaries, then this is not a healthy relationship. Your partner should understand that it’s your special day and you should be treated specially on particular days.

Be truthful to yourself. Realizing you are not as compatible with your partner as you once believed is a difficult realization, and most people would prefer to avoid it. But keep in mind that you are considering the rest of your life, so be sincere with yourself. Discuss it with friends and family and, if possible, with your partner. Your partner might be in agreement but just didn’t want to bring it up.

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